About Us

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has given Deepa a weapon to reach new heights of success. Besides High IQ ,consistent efforts and persistence, leaders need a solid backing of Emotional Quotient. And that is exactly what Deepa adds to their toolbelt. Since she began her professional journey, she has never said NO to an opportunity and that has led her to take up a sales job while working as a scientist. She has lived/worked in four continents and understood the secret ingredient “One’s unique style”. Educational institutions engrave us with the belief to keep working hard all our life to be successful. However, no education system in the world imparts soft skills to use one’s natural technique on the journey to be an empathetic, impactful leader.

Deepa works with individuals to enhance their authentic style of responding to day-to-day situations and become more self-aware, emotionally balanced, leaders, especially when stakes are high. She backs leaders globally in their comfort space and talks through challenging life situations. Her 16+ years of experience as a scientist and sales conditions allow her to understand real-work challenges.Her program emphasizes adding layers of emotions (EQ) to one’s intellect (IQ) making them a better communicator and leader to motivate and make better decisions. She works with leaders, negotiators, community individuals, and adolescents. Once the skills are imparted to them by her, they hatch into an enhanced version of themselves. and follow wherever one goes.

Concepts we would talk about and find your unique definition

Self-Awareness, Empathy, Compassion, Collaboration, Culture, Emotional Intelligence, Humanity, Equity, Authenticity, Vulnerability, Leadership, Global, Creativity, Passion, Communication and Negotiation. All sessions would be using via Zoom Meeting and last approximately 45 mins long. A survey will be sent before the meeting to understand the goals. After few sessions, you may receive self-discovery exercises.We recommend monthly meetings to remain focused on the targeted goals.