Align IQ with EQ to escalate your potential

Strategically enhancing communities, individuals, and everything in between.

Authentic development creates compassionate leaders and innovative organizations. In the long run, keeping team members happy will develop a sustainable world.

"In the past jobs were about muscles, now they’re about brains, but in future, they’ll be about the heart."
- Minouche Shafik (VP of World Bank)

"The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain."
– Daniel Goleman (Author, Professor at Harvard)

"There is no separation of mind and emotions, thinking, and learning are all linked."
-Eric Jensen

What is Emotional

The ability to understand and control your own feelings, and to understand the feelings of others and react to them in a suitable way: Emotional intelligence is as important as academic intelligence. (Definition from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary )

What is Success?

Our definition of success is "when I have done better than yesterday”. It's a measurement of self from self, the only constant is you and the effort is to do better from yesterday in whatever you choose to do. What it is not, is to compare yourself with someone else. Just the way you are unique, your success is unique as well.

What is EQEquation?

We work with individuals to enhance your authentic style of responding to day to day situations and to become more self-aware, emotionally balanced, empathic and open minded. These skills are instrumental for optimal success in challenging professional and personal settings. Our program emphasizes on adding layers of emotions (EQ) to your intellect (IQ) to become a better communicator and leader in whatever setting life puts you in.


Leadership from the Heart

Being a great leader is an achievement, but it can be a lonely space due to the expectations that come with the job.

Communicate to be Heard

One is a lonely number; the strength of a team is stronger, no matter the outcome. Creative groups are very diverse.

Future Leaders - Adolescents

Empathy is an essential tool in all emotional intelligence communication, no matter work or play.

Team Collaboration

Young Adults will be our future politicians, doctors, engineers, innovators, scientists, activists, construction workers, artists, and much more.

What people have to say about us
